Chengguizi Han

a.k.a. Laurel Han, 韩程桂子

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Rutgers University advised by Prof. Mridul Aanjaneya, as a member of LIVE (Laboratory for Interactive Virtual Environments). I graduated with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Entrepreneurship from Rutgers University in 2019. I'm interested in computer graphics and physics-based simulations

Besides work, I am playing around with Godot and Blender to create mini games. My mission, is to create interactive digital environments that heal and empower people, especially for those who are disadvantaged. I would love to hear about any tech or art-related projects that aim to generate positive social impact.



A-ULMPM: An Adaptively Updated Lagrangian Material Point Method for Efficient Physics Simulation without Numerical Fracture 

Haozhe Su*, Tao Xue*, Chengguizi Han and Mridul Aanjaneya (*Joint first authors)

Computer Graphics Forum, (Eurographics proceedings), 41, 2, 1-17, (2022)

Giga Graph Cities: Their Buckets, Buildings, Waves, and Fragments

James Abello, Haoyang Zhang, Daniel Nakhimovich, Chengguizi Han and Mridul Aanjaneya

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 42, 3, 53-64, (2022)

A Lagrangian Particle-based Formulation for Coupled Simulation of Fracture and Diffusion in Thin Membranes

Chengguizi Han*, Tao Xue* and Mridul Aanjaneya (*Joint first authors)

Computer Graphics Forum, (Pacific Graphics proceedings), 40, 7, 97-108, (2021)

Interactive Simulation of Disease Contagion in Dynamic Crowds

Alon Flor*, Chengguizi Han*, Tao Xue* and Mridul Aanjaneya (*Joint first authors)

Motion, Interaction, and Games, (MIG proceedings), 17, 1-11, (2021)

Graph Cities: Their Buildings, Waves, and Fragments

James Abello, Daniel Nakhimovich, Chengguizi Han and Mridul Aanjaneya

4th International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics, (BigVis), 4:1-8, (2021) Best Paper Award

A Unified Second-Order Accurate in Time MPM Formulation for Simulating Viscoelastic Liquids with Phase Change

Haozhe Su*, Tao Xue*, Chengguizi Han, Chenfanfu Jiang and Mridul Aanjaneya (*Joint first authors)

ACM Transactions on Graphics, (SIGGRAPH proceedings), 40, 4, 119:1-18, (2021) SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Video Trailer

A Novel Discretization and Numerical Solver for Non-Fourier Diffusion

Tao Xue*, Haozhe Su*, Chengguizi Han, Chenfanfu Jiang and Mridul Aanjaneya

ACM Transactions on Graphics, (SIGGRAPH Asia proceedings), 39, 6, 178:1-14, (2020)

An Efficient Geometric Multigrid Solver for Viscous Liquids

Mridul Aanjaneya*, Chengguizi Han, Ryan Goldade and Christopher Batty (*Lead and supervising author)

Proceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, (SCA proceedings), 2, 2, 14:1-21, (2019)

My Name

My Chinese name is "韩程桂子," pronounced as "Han Cheng Gui Zi." "韩" is my surname, equivalent to "Han" in English. "程 (Cheng)" means "journey" or "path." "桂子 (Gui Zi)" is a poetic way of  saying "桂花 (Osmanthus flower)."

But there's more to the story than literal meanings. "程" is the surname of my beloved and respected mother and grandfather, and "桂" is the surname of my adorable grandmother. So, "子" signifies that I am the beloved child of everyone in my family.

There is also a beautiful coincidence: the osmanthus tree in front of our old house blossomed for the first time in the autumn after the summer I was born.